

Page history last edited by Chris Werry 4 months, 2 weeks ago



Wordpress & Hypothesis

  • Setting up a blog on Wordpress is fast and fairly simple. See this step-by-step guide.

  •  There is an annotation tool called which we will use and evaluate this semester. It is a web browser extension that allows us to collaboratively annotate online texts. 
    It is easy to set up. It works best on the Chrome web browser, but can be made to work with Firefox. (Sorry Safari and Explorer users). I suggest you install Chrome and create
    a profile so that your extensions and apps will work on any computer). There is a 
    quick start guide to help you sign up and install the web extension on your browser:. Here is a fuller guide I wrote to using Hypothesis.

  • To join our hypothesis group "RWS411," use this link 


Annotation Tools & Social Reading/Writing Resources 

  • Hypothesis is an example of a wave of new tools and experiments with social reading and writing. It enables people to publicly comment on and annotate online texts, and also lets you form groups, and follow people whose annotations you like. Example: if you look at Carr’s “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” you’ll see a scholar has recorded his response in the margins. (You will need to have added the extension to see this). Political speeches are starting to be publicly annotated by academics. For example, the sociologist Tressie McMillan Cottom annotated Michelle Obama’s speech at the Democratic national Convention using Hypothesis.


  • The annotation tools “News Genius” and “Rap Genius” let users comment on, explicate, analyze and annotate news stories and music lyrics. Rap genius is used a lot and may be of interest to students.  Consider the following: T. S. Eliot's The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock has been nicely annotated. The line “Do I dare disturb the universe” is discussed, along with the fact that the line was remixed and used by rapper Chuck D. If you click on the line the link to Chuck D will appear.   

    The Genius annotation system is used for fan fiction, creative writers, and many genres of "high" and pop culture.  The literature page is here: Consider this annotation of Shelley's "Ozymandias". Note also that users vote on which annotations should be listed at the top, and there is a scoreboard of most popular writers and annotators.  Note also that while fans annotate pop songs, some artists annotate their own songs. Consider the recent hit "Broccoli," by D.R.A.M., which is annotated by the songwriters. Other writers and artists who have annotated texts are here  (you can follow them).





  • There are many scholarly tools for annotating texts. Some have been developed by writing faculty. For example there is MIT's Annotation Studio, and CMU's Classroom Salon. There is also CommentPress, an open-source plug-in for WordPress developed by folks at the Future of the Book initiative. This tool "aims to turn a document into a conversation (view examples here). Readers can comment on, say, an academic paper before it has gone to press and add insights and questions in the margins of the text." 



Introduction to URLs, Domain Names and Evaluating Web Pages


Bookmark, Store, (Re)collect, Tag and Curate

Social bookmarks are an important part of digital literacy. They help one manage the "Niagara" (Thompson) of  texts we encounter. They let us store, tag, annotate and find texts we have read. They can be used for research projects, to leverage “the wisdom of crowds” by following people and groups, or by subscribing to tags.


Why Use Social Bookmarking?

"Social bookmarking sites allow teachers to create a customized set of Web links for their own purposes or to share with students. In addition to bookmarking, annotating, and tagging, the social functions of these bookmarking services allow users to create a network of persons who can share bookmarks and perhaps contribute to your list. Teachers can build resource collections for classes, professional learning communities can build and share links to websites of interest, and writers working together can create shared sets of resources for their projects. Most services also share these benefits

  • Bookmarks can be added to your account easily, often through a direct link to your account that can be added to your Internet browser.
  • Because bookmarks are stored online, they can be accessed by teachers and students from any computer with an Internet connection and a standard browser.
  • Bookmark collections can be downloaded into a file for formatting and sharing as a publication.
  • Users can network to follow each other's bookmark choices."



Introduction to Social Bookmarking



Social Bookmarking Tools & Teaching Resources


Using Social Bookmarks to Research the Rhetorical Situation

Social bookmarking sites such as diigo, delicious and zotero can be used to search for the bookmarks others have created on authors or research topics. One can search the bookmarks and annotations others have made

on authors, and in some cases the bookmarks the authors themselves have created. For example, one can search Clive Thompson's bookmarks,,thompson, or look at Clive Thompson's 

pages on diigo, Similarly, one can look at Delicious pages by Howard Rheingold, 


One can also look at tags for Clive Thompson on Diigo:




  • Evernote Evernote is note-taking software in the cloud, with options for private and shared notebooks. Users can take text notes, and upload files to attach them to notes. Evernote has built-in OCR for images with printed or handwritten text. A premium account allows access to notebooks offline, as well as more storage and embedded PDF search.


Social Reading: Connection to Thompson 



Curation, Lifestreaming & Personal Learning Networks









Thinking Critically about Search



Big Collections of Digital Tools for Scholarly Use

  • The DIRT Directory is a registry of digital research tools for scholarly use. DiRT makes it easy for digital humanists and others conducting digital research to find and compare resources ranging from content management systems to music OCR, statistical analysis packages to mindmapping software.
  • Digital Writing Workshop collection of tools for writing teachers. "A companion site to Troy's Heinemann books The Digital Writing Workshop and Crafting Digital Writing, this wiki empowers teachers as they learn how to teach digital writing.
  • Bill Ferriter's collection of digital tools for students and educators 






Filter your search results

You can filter and customize your results by using the options at the top of the results page. For example, you can choose to just see sites updated within the last 24 hours, or photos of a certain color. Some filtering options are not available in all languages or only show if you're signed in to your Google Account.


Find content to reuse
Take advantage of the usage rights filters on the Advanced Search and Advanced Image Search pages to find web content (such as text, videos, or images) you can reuse, share, or modify.

Anyone can browse the Web, but usage rights come into play if you're looking for content that you can take and use above and beyond fair use. Site owners can use licenses to indicate if and how content on their sites can be reused.

Find reusable content using the Advanced Search page

The usage rights filter on the Advanced Search and Advanced Image Search pages shows you pages that are either labeled with a Creative Commons license or labeled as being in the public domain. For images, the usage rights filter also shows you images lableled with the GNU Free Documentation license.





GOOGLE TRENDS – my dad hit me:

This give you worldwide – just United States is much more dramatic:




You Can Learn A Lot About America From Each State’s Internet Serch History





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